Outcast Wiki

Administrators also known as Sysop (sys-tem op-erator) are the users who are given access to additional functions used to maintain and design the wiki. These users are also seen as leaders though not dictators. They usually enforce a set of policies so do not take it the wrong way when they warn you, these users just want to maintain the wiki and keep a consistency. These users are the users you go to when asking for help.

Applications and Nominations

Currently not looking for any other administrators, you may still apply or nominate but they won't be looked at until a later date.

Do you think you or another user deserves admin rights? Then fill up an admin request forum! <createbox> prefix=Outcast Wiki:Admin application/ width=60 default=Enter username here preload=Template:AdminApplication buttonlabel=Apply </createbox> <createbox> prefix=Outcast Wiki:Admin nomination/ width=60 default=Enter username here preload=Template:AdminNomination buttonlabel=Nominate </createbox>

Administrator List

Administrator name IRC nickname Time zone Status
CanadaTimeShade (talkcontribs) TimeShade UTC-8 (PST) Fully active