So now that Season 1 of Outcast is over, what are your thoughts about Season 1, comment down below to explain them
For me, at first, I was really liking it and looking forward to what this season had in store, but as the season went on, I became very disappointed, mainly with the inconsistentsy of airing schedules (like airing only two of your episodes at 10:00 then airing the rest at 1:00 in the morning (at least where I live) to Kyle and Rev. Anderson doing things (at least only two times for both if them) that were really stupid that i feel personally there Comic counterparts would never do, do some of these newly adapted/furtherly adapted sub plots which I had trouble caring about, the finale last night wasn't that disappointing, like the sequence at the place where the Ogden's were taking care of possessed people with Megan, the twist that Amber is also an Outcast, I really liked so i give this seasons a solid 8/10 now what are your thoughts?